Your new office bearers for the 2023 to 2024 period are as follows:
President: Richard Osborne. O.A.M. VK2AUS/VK2OKR
Vice President: Vacant
Public Officer: Steve Beveridge. VK2LW
Treasurer: Leigh Aanensen VK2KAL / VK2KY
Repeater Officer: Greg Williams VK2HT
Beacon Officer: Greg Williams VK2HT
Contest Coordinator: Jamie Campbell VK2YCJ
Broadcast Officers: Greg Williams VK2HT and Richard Osborne. O.A.M. VK2AUS/VK2OKR doing the callbacks.
Education/Examination officer: Can you help full filling this role.
Social Secretary: Ardel Prout
Program Officer: All helpers
ECHOLINK sysop: Grahame O’Brien VK2FA /VK2ZV